Friday, May 1, 2015

How To Get Rid of Lipomas Naturally

How to get rid of lipomas naturally | A lipoma is a fatty lump below the skin surface. It is a common condition that results from growth of fat cells that causes the skin to bulge outwards. The lumps are normally painless and are not considered as serious health conditions though many people feel uncomfortable and seek medical attention to have them removed. 

A surgical procedure can be done to remove a lipoma but many practitioners discourage people from having surgical operations because there are better options which affected people can use to get rid of lipomas naturally.

Natural lipoma removal relies on changes in lifestyles as well as the use of substances that are known to shrink the growths. The following are some of the substances that have been found to work effectively in lipomas treatment.

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1. Turmeric herb
Powdered turmeric mixed with olive oil has been found to have healing effects on the lumps. You can soften and shrink lipomas naturally by applying the mixture on the affected area. The application of this mixture causes yellow dyeing of the skin so you may want to put a bandage around that area to prevent your clothes from getting into contact with it.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is also a great lipomas treatment option. Taking two spoonfuls every day before going to bed will cause a significant reduction in size of the lipoma within a few weeks.

3. Sage
Scientifically, sage is known to have a high affinity for fats. Applying sage extracts on the lipoma will cause it to shrink perhaps because it will absorb the fats through the skin by osmosis.

4. Chickweed
Chickweed has also been used in lipomas removal. It is known for its detoxifying and healing effects. When used, it helps in removal of toxins and unwanted fat deposits on the skin, which is the reason why lipomas may have developed in the first place. Chickweed has been used as herbal treatment for a long time and you can find it in health shops.

5. Thuja Occidentalis 
Thuja Occidentalis is a member of cider family. It has been used as a remedy for both under and on the skin growths. You can use it to treat lipoma by mixing it with some water and applying on the affected area.

6. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has very strong cleansing properties. It helps in enhancing the liver activity, which is basically the elimination of toxins from the body. Starting your day with a lemon juice drink will go a long way in getting rid of lipomas. Drink some warm water mixed with lemon juice every morning and you will see some positive changes in a few weeks.

In addition to using these substances, it is also important that you implement lifestyle changes that will help in dealing with the root cause of the problem and prevent more lipomas from developing. The following are some of the lifestyle changes that can help in lipoma treatment.

>>> CLICK HERE - How I naturally cured my Lipoma lumps at Home <<<

1. Avoid sugary foods
Excess sugar in your blood stream is normally converted into fats and stored under the skin. This could be the cause of lipomas formation. Avoiding sugary foods can help in lipomas removal and preventing more from forming. Eating junk snacks may contribute to the unwanted fats in your body. You can change your lifestyle by preparing your own foods so that you can control what you eat. Eliminate any artificial sweeteners like cyclamates, aspartame and saccharin in your diet.

2. Take more vitamins
Vitamins play a major role in cell growth. Taking enough amounts of vitamins in your diet can help to get rid of lipomas naturally. For instance, vitamin D plays an important part in modulating cell growth. Vitamin C is known for slowing down growth of tumors. It also protects the liver and enhances it functioning which is very important for lipoma removal because the liver is responsible for removing toxins from our bodies.

On the other hand, vitamin E has anti-oxidant properties which will be useful in oxidizing the trapped fats hence shrinking the lump. It is also known to lessen liver inflammation. A healthy liver is a precursor for reducing tumors and lipomas. Vitamin B is also useful in maintaining a healthy liver.

You can ensure you are taking these vitamins in adequate amounts by including a lot of vegetables as well as fruits in all your meals. This will not only help in lipoma treatment but will also prevent more lipomas from forming on your skin in future.

3. Drink a lot of water
Water is very important for general health. More importantly, water is the medium through which toxins from the body are eliminated. Drinking at least a liter of water every day will help in elimination of toxins from the body, which will help in lipoma removal. Avoid sugary drinks like soda.

4. Eat fiber rich foods
Eating foods that are rich in fiber content will ensure proper bowel movement. A clean gut will help in digestion which is a precursor for a healthy skin.

5. Start exercising 
Exercises come with numerous benefits that can help in getting rid of lipomas naturally. Exercises improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Improved circulation facilitates more oxygenation of blood and tissues. The oxygen is necessary in breaking down of fats in the skin into energy which is used during the exercises. It is therefore possible to see lipomas shrinking after a couple of weeks of regular exercising.

Natural lipoma treatment requires change in life style and consistence use of the remedies that we have discussed above. It is important though to note that the lipomas will not just disappear overnight. You have to give it enough time for you to start getting results. On the brighter side though, natural lipoma removal has no side effects. In fact, you end up getting more health benefits and reducing the risks of getting other health complications. For instance, exercising will help in reducing the risks of cardiovascular conditions while eating sufficient amount of vitamins will reduce the risks of acquiring other common ailments like flu.

>>> CLICK HERE - How I naturally cured my Lipoma lumps at Home <<<